Portugal – International service provider

Are you a non-EU citizen wishing to come to the EU for short-term business visits or to provide services in the framework of an EU Trade Agreement with a partner country? You can find information below on the conditions, procedures, and your rights.
  1. Business visitors for establishment purposes (BVEPs) – Businessmen or investors seeking to establish their businesses in Portugal:

The most adequate Visa would be the Residence Visa for Independent/liberal Professional Activity or Industrious Immigrant – art. 31º do DR 84/2007 de 05/11.

  1. Short-term business visitors (STBV) – Businessmen or investors only intending a short business stay:

The most adequate visa type is the Short-Term Visa – see more detailed information below.

  1. Contractual service suppliers (CSSs); and Independent professionals (IPs) – Businessmen or investors developing their activity as service providers or Independent/liberal Professionals:

In this instance there is the need to distinguish between situations where the Company to which the services are being provided to, has its Headquarters or Home Office in Portugal or abroad.

When it is in Portugal, the Residence Visa for Independent Professional Activity or Industrious Immigrant – art. 31º do DR 84/2007 de 05/11 would be the most suitable.

When it is located in a different country than Portugal, the Residence Visa for Immigrants living on own income, as considered in art. 24º, al. c) of the same DR would be the most suitable, as it also concerns remote work situations.

Additionally, if there is no intention to reside or stay in Portugal for more than a year, it is possible to apply for a Temporary Stay Visa for Temporary Independent Activity, as specified in art. 19-A of  DR 84/2007 de 05/11;

  1. Dependents accompanying Contractual service suppliers (CSSs) or Independent professionals (IPs):

First Case – Residence Visa for Immigrants living on own income. Proof of income would be partner’s/parent’s income. Below mentioned general and specific requirements apply.

Second case – Short Term Visa – Same conditions aforementioned, unless having a nationality with which Portugal does not have an exemption agreement.

Third case – Same as the Second case.

  1. All types of Visas as well as the documents and requirements needed apply to Investors.

All Visas, including Short Term Visas for nationals of countries subject to a visa obligation, are to be applied for in the nearest Portuguese Diplomatic Representation in the country of usual residence.

Documentation required and conditions to be met

Short Stay Schengen Visa (source: https://vistos.mne.gov.pt/)

  • For applying for a short stay Schengen visa, the following documentation is required:
  • Dully filled form and signed (for minors and incapacitated forms should be signed the legal guardian);
  • Passport or other travel document, valid for an additional 3 months following the duration of the intended stay; photocopy of prior passport and visas;
  • Two identical passport photographs, up-to-date and in good condition, allowing proper identification;
  • Document certifying the third-country national is in a regular situation when the applicant is from a different nationality than that of the country where the visa is being requested;
  • Travel reservation (return ticket);
  • Valid travel medical insuranceSearch for available translations of the preceding link, covering necessary medical expenses, including emergency assistance and repatriation. Shall a multiple visa be granted, applicants shall sign the statement, set out in the application form, declaring that they are aware of the need to be in possession of travel medical insurance for subsequent stays.
  • Economic and work conditions: work certificate and salary, as well as three last bank transcripts (proof of means of subsistence), covering the entire stay and return to country of origin;
  • Travel authorisation for minors or court decision (when applicable);
  • Hotel reservation (if applicable) or statement of responsibility;
  • If staying with a family member, proof of family relationship is required, and proof of housing conditions may be requested. If the person signing the term of responsibilityis not a Portuguese national, proof of being legally in Portugal is required; or,
  • For business purposes, an invitation clarifying on the purpose of travelling and date of arrival and departure, as well as host organisation and person responsible or,
  • For participation in political, economic, scientific, cultural, sport or religious events, proof of attendance is required, registration or entry ticket or,
  • For journeys undertaken for medical reasons: an official document of the medical institution confirming necessity for medical care in that institution and proof of sufficient financial means to pay for the medical treatment; or,
  • Entry visa for the destination country (if applicable).


Visa Fees

  • General fee: EUR 80
  • Reduced fee: EUR 40 (Children over 6 and under 12 years of age)
  • EU Visa Facilitation AgreementsSearch for available translations of the preceding link: EUR 35 (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine);
  • Exemptions
    • Children below the age of 6 (at the date of filing of visa application);
    • Students and teachers/professors traveling for training or study purposes;
    • Researchers traveling for scientific research purposes;
    • Representatives of non-profit organisations under 25 years of age attending seminars, conferences, cultural/sport events, organised by non-profit organisations;
    • Family members of EU Member States nationals, EEA or Swiss nationals.


Temporary stay visas (source: https://vistos.mne.gov.pt/)

Categories of visa, permits or any similar type of authorisation regarding entry and temporary stay

  • Temporary stay visas are valid during the entire stay and allow for multiple entries, allowing entry and stay in Portugal for less than a year:



Act n.º. 23/2007, of 4 of July

Independent work


Temporary stay visa for independent work.

Article 54.º (1,c)

Professional activity


Temporary stay visa for scientific research, higher education professorial activity or highly qualified activity purposes for a period of less than a year.

Article 54.º (1,d)

Transfer of workers or service providers when the applicant has been working for over one year

Temporary stay visa for transfer of workers purposes for state parties to the WTO, for provision of services or professional training.

Articles 54.º (1,b) and 55.º

Transfer of workers or service providers when the applicant has been working for less than one year.

Temporary stay visa for transfer of workers purposes for state parties to the WTO, for provision of services or professional training.


Temporary stay visa for periods of over 3 months, for study programs, student exchange, training, unpaid internship, volunteer work purposes, as well as commitments pursuant to international agreements or conventions.

Articles 54.º (1,b; 1, f; 1, i)  and 55.º


  • Please note that the temporary stay visa for transfers of workers by state parties to the WTO can also be issued for intra-corporate transfers of managers, specialists or trainee employees when they expect to stay in Portugal for less than a year.


Documentation required and conditions to be met

General conditions for all Visas:

  • Not being listed for extradition or in a period of entry interdiction in Portuguese Territory;
  • Not being listed as non-admissible by any Schengen Member State;
  • Having and proving the existence of adequate means of subsistence;
  • Having a valid travel document;
  • Having travel insurance;
  • Travel authorisation valid for the period of stay, for any Minors travelling unaccompanied by the person with parental power;
  • Not having been convicted for a crime that under the Portuguese law would undergo a sentence of one year or more in prison, even if suspended (Criminal Record);
  • Not constituting a danger or hazard for public safety, national defense, or public health;
  • Indication of intended period of stay in Portugal.
  • For applying for a national temporary stay visa, the following documentation is required:
  • Dully filled form and signed (For minors and incapacitated forms should be signed the legal guardian);
  • Passport or other travel document, valid for an additional 3 months following the duration of the intended stay; photocopy of prior passport and visas;
  • Two identical passport photographs, up-to-date and in good condition, allowing proper identification;
  • Document certifying the third-country national is in a regular situation when the applicant is from a different nationality than that of the country where the visa is being requested;
  • Travel reservation (return ticket);
  • Valid travel medical insuranceSearch for available translations of the preceding link, covering necessary medical expenses, including emergency assistance and repatriation.
  • Request for criminal record enquiry by the Immigration and Border Services (SEF)
  • Criminal record certificate from the country of origin or the country where the applicant is residing for over a year (children under the age of 16 are exempt from producing a criminal record);
  • Proof of means of subsistence as stipulated by law (equivalent of € 75 for each entry, plus € 40 for each day of stay.);
  • Proof of subsistence means can be made through a statement of responsibility, signed by a Portuguese national or by a foreign national legally resident in Portugal.


Specific documents:

  • Residence Visa for Independent/liberal Professional Activity or Industrious Immigrant:
    • Contract of constitution of society or individual work contract or promise of individual work contract.

Or alternatively:

  • Visa for Immigrants living on own income:
    • Detailed proof of income; ex: Remote worker – Declaration authorising or stating the possibility of remote work and income value; Other types of income – Documental proof with specified origin and amount of said income.
  • Temporary Stay Visa for Temporary Independent Activity:
    • Service contract or promise of service contract for independent professional activity with temporary character.
  • Temporary stay visa in the framework of transfer of nationals to state parties to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), for service providing or professional training purposesSearch for available translations of the preceding link – Document certifying that the transfer:
    • is occurring within the same company or corporate group, and that the host institution is providing similar services to those provided by the institution from which the third-country national is being transferred;
    • or is referring to partners or workers, that have been in that institution for at least one year, based in another state party to the WTO falling under one of the following categories:
      • partners or workers in a managerial position working as senior staff and perform executive administration tasks, under the guidance of the board of administration;
      • partners or workers with the necessary technical skills to the delivery of the referred activity, research equipment, as well as technical and managerial skills;
      • partners or workers due to get professional training in Portugal.
  • Temporary stay visa for periods of over 3 months, in exceptional and well-founded circumstances, namely for programmes of study in a certified institution, student exchange, unpaid professional internship, volunteer work or pursuant to WTO obligations or those arising from conventions and international agreements to which Portugal is a state partySearch for available translations of the preceding link
    • Proof of exceptional circumstances; or,
    • For study purposes for less than a year in a certified institution, or in the framework of a student exchange program, for a similar duration, the following documentation is necessary:
      • Document issued by the institution and document certifying enrollment;
      • Statement signed by the host family; or,
      • Proof of housing.
      • To determine means of subsistence, means obtained through grants or scholarships should be taken into consideration. Proof of means of subsistence can be produced through a statement of responsibility issued by the workers hosting entity.
    • For professional internship purposes, the following documents are necessary, document issued by the company or professional training facility, officially recognised, certifying acceptance to the program, and when necessary, training contract and calendar. Proof of means of subsistence can be produced through a statement of responsibility issued by the organisation hosting interns.
    • For volunteer work purposes, there is a minimum age requirement as set by the relevant ordinance issued by the Government entity responsible for home affairs. Additionally, the following documents are necessary: document issued by an officially recognised institution in charge of the volunteer program, in Portugal, certifying admission to the program. Proof of means of subsistence can be produced through a statement of responsibility issued by the organisation hosting volunteers.
    • In the framework of international commitments related to free movement of services, the following documents are necessary
      • Service agreement contract between the third-country national and the final consumer; 
      • Certificate of technical qualification for the delivery of the referred service.
    • Temporary stay visa for academic or professional training purposes
      • Document issued by the higher education or training institution certifying admission to a course for the duration of less than one year.


Appeal mechanisms (source: https://vistos.mne.gov.pt/)

  • Applicants can appeal refusal to grant a visa, in compliance with Portuguese domestic law.
  • Available options being:
  • Issue a complaint, within 15 days following acknowledgment of refusal, against the issuer of the refusal (in compliance with article 191, Administrative Process Code (CPA)); 
  • Appeal the decision of refusal, within three months following notification, (in compliance with article 59 Administrative Court Process Code, CPTA and paragraph 2 of artigo 193 CPA), to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • Bring an action to competent court (Administrative Court, Lisbon, Article 22 by suppletion, CPTA), within three months of notification of refusal (Articles 69 and 59 Administrative Court Process Code, CPTA) requesting the overruling of the refusal, and the granting of the required lawful act.
  • The referred options are not mutually exclusive. As such, the applicant can appeal to the Minister and, depending on the results of such appeal, continue towards litigation (Paragraph 4, Article 59, CPTA).
  • The applicant can also appeal the decision and bring an action simultaneously to the administrative court, without waiting for the results of the appeal (in compliance with paragraph 5 of article 59 CPTA).
  • Link
Please see under ‘Conditions’ for all information on International Service Providers.
Please see under ‘Conditions’ for all information on International Service Providers.
Please see under ‘Conditions’ for all information on International Service Providers.
Please see under ‘Conditions’ for all information on International Service Providers.