There are certain conditionsSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN••• that apply to everyone. In addition, the following conditions apply:
- You are studying at an educational institution outside of the Netherlands (at mbo-, hbo- or university level), or you graduated at hbo (higher vocational) or university level no more than 2 years ago. In case you are studying at mbo-level, the traineeship has to be mandatory for your studies;
- you have a trainee agreement;
- you have a trainee programme;
- your employer declares that he or she is your sponsor;
- the Dutch organisation is entered in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce (if required by the Trade Registers Act 2007).
- You are going to work for a Dutch company to gain the experience needed for your job in your country of origin;
- you have a trainee agreement;
- you have an education plan;
- you have a return statement;
- the Dutch organisation is entered in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce (if required by the Trade Registers Act 2007);
- your employer declares that he or she is your sponsor.
Young Workers Exchange Program (YWEP)
- You have Canadian nationality;
- you live in Canada;
- you are 18 years of age or older, but younger than 31 years of age;
- you are a student or you have graduated less than 12 months ago.
In order to get a work permit, you and your employer have to meet a number of criteria as set out in the Foreign Nationals Employment Act:
To gain work experience for study purposes (trainee) and YWEP.
To gain work experience within the context of a studies (higher vocational or university level):
- The trainee is enrolled in a regular educational programme, or graduated at hbo (higher vocational) or university level no more than 2 years ago;
- there is a phased trainee agreement including learning objectives;
- the trainee has an income, including the trainee allowance, which is not lower than 50% of the minimum wage for a 22-year-old;
- a traineeship at hbo (higher professional education) or university level is no more than 1 year.
To gain work experience within the context of a studies on mbo level (senior secondary vocational level):
- the trainee is enrolled in a regular educational programme and is, in general, in the final year of the educational programme;
- the traineeship is required to complete the educational programme;
- the trainee has sufficient specific professional basic education;
- there is a phased trainee agreement including learning objectives;
- the number of trainees (if there are more than 2) does not exceed 10% of the permanent staff;
- the trainee has an income, including the trainee allowance, which is not lower than 50% of the minimum wage for a 22-year-old;
- a traineeship at mbo-level (senior secondary vocational level) is no more than 6 months.
To gain work experience within the context of a Young Workers Exchange Program (YWEP):
- The trainee is enrolled in a regular educational programme, or graduated at hbo (higher vocational) or university level no more than 12 months ago;
- there is a phased trainee agreement;
- the trainee has an income, including the trainee allowance, which is not lower than 50% of the minimum wage for a 22-year-old;
- a traineeship is no more than 1 year.
To gain work experience for employment purposes (apprentice):
- The apprentice is already employed by a foreign employer;
- there is an agreement on the learning programme between the foreign employer and the Dutch company;
- the experience gained is important to the development of the foreign employer’s business operations;
- the apprentice does not occupy a regular job position;
- the trainee will return to the foreign employer;
- he/she has sufficient specific professional basic education;
- the number of apprentices (if there are more than 2) does not exceed 10% of the permanent staff;
- the wage is in accordance with market conditions and meets at least the minimum wage of a 22-year-old employee;
- the learning programme lasts up to 24 weeks.
For more information on the conditions based on the Foreign Nationals Employment Act (Wav), please seeSearch for available translations of the preceding linkNL••• here.
This application costs € 285 (in 2019).
Conditions to migrate to the Netherlands as a trainee or apprentice
Where and how to apply | To travel to the Netherlands, you need a provisional residence permitSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN••• (mvv). The mvv is a sticker that the Dutch representation places in the passport. In some cases, you do not need a mvvSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN•••. You apply for the mvv and the residence permit at the same time. This can be done in 2 ways: Your employer applies to the IND in the Netherlands or you apply to the Dutch representation in your country of origin or the country of continuous residence. |
Documents required | The application form lists the documents that you must enclose with the application. You have to have official foreign documents legalised and translatedSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN••• into Dutch, English, French or German. |
Duration of validity of permits | The period of validity of your Single Permit depends on the duration of your traineeship or apprenticeship. The residence permit is valid for no more than 1 year. |
Further requirements | Upon arrival, you must:
Appeals | You or your employer do not meet the conditions, you will not get a mvv and a Single Permit. This decision is given in the formal decision. The IND will send the decision by post. You can apply for a reviewSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN••• of this decision. If the IND decides that your application for review is unfounded, your application for review will be rejected. This rejection is set out in an official letter (decision) from the IND. Do you disagree? You may appeal to the courtSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN•••. |
Further information | More on the admission as a trainee or apprentice in the Netherlands |
Extension of stay | You generally cannot apply for an extensionSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN••• of the residence permit granted to gain work experience. The residence permit can only be extended if it was first issued for a less than 1 year. |
Change of status | You are going to quit your job or traineeship and you wish to stay in the Netherlands. You must changeSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN••• your residence permit. |
Employment | Besides the residence permit you also get an additional document. Your employer receives a copy of the additional document. The residence permit states ‘Arbeid toegestaan conform aanvullend document’ (work permitted according to additional document). The residence document and the additional document allow you to live and work for your employer in the Netherlands. The additional document states for which employer you may work and under which conditions. |
Permanent residence | It is not possible to qualify for permanent residence on the basis of a residence permit for work experience as trainee or apprentice. |
Family reunification | As the holder of a residence permit to work as an employed worker, it is possible to bring your spouse, (registered) partner or minor child(ren) to the Netherlands. Certain conditionsSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN••• will have to be met in order to be allowed to bring your family members. |
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