Latvia – Trainee

You can apply to carry out a traineeship in the Republic of Latvia if you have a higher education degree for no longer than 1 year or if you are pursuing a course of higher education in a non-EU country. You must have a training agreement with a host entity/company in the Republic of Latvia.

Where and how to apply

To apply for residence permit based on traineeship you should fill the application form available here.Search for available translations of the preceding link

The written request should be submitted at the Office of Citizenship and Migration AffairsSearch for available translations of the preceding link (OCMA) by the host entity/organisation.


Fees for examination of documents submitted for application:

  • up to 30 days – 100 euros,
  • up to 10 working days – 200 euros,
  • up to 5 working days – 400 euros.
Documents required

You should present these documents:

  • a definite sample form for Application for Requiring a Residence Permit,
  • a photography,
  • a criminal record issued by a competent institution of the citizenship or the host country (for a third-country national more than 14 years old), if a third-country national has resided in that country longer than 12 months. Citizens of visa-free countries do not need to submit this document.
Further requirements

Upon arrival and having received your residence permit, you must declare your place of residence and provide a radiologist’s report on the results of an x-ray or fluoroscopic examination done in the Republic of Latvia and a health insurance of minimum 42 600 euros which guarantees the covering of health expenses, including repatriation to the country of origin in case of serious illness or death. Health insurance policy should not be shorter that the third-country national’s expected period of stay in the Republic of Latvia.

Duration of validity of permits/visas

For a period of up to one year, if the third-country national requests a temporary residence permit as a trainee within the framework of an intra-corporate transfer.

Conditions for renewal

If you want to request the renewal of your residence permit based on a traineeship you should be able to extend it based on your traineeship agreement.


You have a right to appeal the decision before the Head of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs within 30 days.


Change of status

During the time of validity of your residence permit, you are entitled to change your status of residence, by applying for a new residence permit.

Family members

Family members Family reunification is possible.

Long-term residence

Not applicable.

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