Latvia – Employed worker

Are you a non-EU citizen wishing to work as an employed worker in Latvia? You can find information below on the conditions to fulfil and procedures to follow, as well as the rights you can enjoy during your stay.

If you want to be admitted as a worker to reside in Latvia for a period longer than 90 days within half a year counting from the first day of entrance, you must obtain a temporary residence permit. Visit the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs website Search for available translations of the preceding linkto see the list of documents.

Where and how to apply

Approval for employment is granted if a vacancy has been registered with the State Employment Agency (NVA), which has not been filled within at least 30 days from the time of registration.

If the vacancy cannot be filled by national or EU labour force, the invitation for a residence permit from the employer wishing to recruit must be approved by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs.

Once the employer’s invitation is approved, a person can apply for a residence permit at the diplomatic or consular representative of the Republic of Latvia abroad.


Fees for examination of documents submitted for application:

  • up to 30 days – 100 euros,
  • up to 10 working days – 200 euros,
  • up to 5 working days – 400 euros.

Documents required

Documents to be submitted in order to receive a residence permit in the Republic of Latvia in connection with a labour agreement:

  • a valid travel document recognised in the Republic of Latvia,
  • a definite sample form for Application for Requiring a Residence Permit,
  • a photography,
  • a criminal record issued by a competent institution of the citizenship or the host country (for a third-country national more than 14 years old), if a third-country national has resided in that country longer than 12 months – citizens of visa-free countries do not submit this document,
  • a document confirming the necessary subsistence (monthly salary should be at least 1143 euros in 2021 (this amount of monthly salary is reviewed each year).

Further requirements

Upon arrival and having received your residence permit, you must declare your place of residence and provide a radiologist’s report on the results of an x-ray or fluoroscopic examination done in Latvia and a health insurance of minimum 42 600 euros which guarantees the covering of health expenses, including repatriation to the country of origin in case of serious illness or death. Health insurance policy should not be shorter that the third-country nationald’s expected period of stay in Latvia.

Duration of validity of permits

The residence permit is granted for the period of employment but not longer than five years.

The identification card is issued for one year and should be registered (renewed) every year.

Conditions for renewal

Residence permit should be registered and renewed every year.


A refusal to issue a residence permit can be challenged before the Head of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs within 30 days from the day of the notification of the refusal.

A negative decision of the Head of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs can be appealed before the court.

Visit the Office of Citizenship and Migration affairs website for appeals hereSearch for available translations of the preceding link.

Further information

For further information please check here.Search for available translations of the preceding link

More information on visasSearch for available translations of the preceding link available here.


Change of employment

Right to work is tied to a specific position and a specific employer. Changes are not allowed. To change employment, you must apply for another residence permit.


If the third-country national becomes unemployed, he/she doesn’t have a legal right to stay in the Republic of Latvia.

Change of status

During the time of your residence permit, you are entitled to change your status of residence, to do so, you should apply for a new residence permit.

Family members

Family reunification is possible.

Long-term residence

A long-term resident status may be granted if you have resided legally in the Republic of Latvia for at least five years. You have to show:

  • sufficient regular financial means to support yourself and your dependent family members,
  • sufficient command of Latvian,
  • a place of residence in the Republic of Latvia.

If you have a long-term resident status, you have no restrictions to work in the Republic of Latvia.

For more information on long-term residence, please check here

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