Ireland – Volunteer

Are you a non-EU citizen wishing to be a volunteer in Ireland? You can find information below on the conditions to fulfil and procedures to follow, as well as the rights you can enjoy during your stay.

Permission to be a volunteer allows you to work in Ireland in a volunteering role with an eligible organisation for up to 2 years (with an option to extend for a third year), subject to the conditions below. Do not apply for this permission if you will stay in Ireland for less than 3 months.

Access to Employment

With this permission you cannot participate in paid work of any kind.


With this permission you cannot bring any family members with you to Ireland

Other restrictions

You also cannot

  • Apply to change your immigration status while in Ireland
  • Change sponsors more than once in any 12-month permission period while in the State under this Scheme
  • Rely on public services or claim any state benefits e.g. health services, education
  • Spend more than two years on aggregate volunteering in Ireland



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