Czech Republic – Seasonal worker

Are you a non-EU citizen wishing to carry out seasonal work in the Czech Republic? You can find information below on the conditions, procedures and rights you can enjoy during your stay.

If a third-country national intends to become a seasonal worker, i.e. a third-country national who intends to reside in the territory of the Czech Republic for the purpose of performing a work activity dependent on the passing of the seasons, he/she must obtain a visa for a stay up to 90 days (a short-term or Schengen visa) or a visa for a stay of over 90 days (a long-term visa) for the purpose of seasonal work. The short-term visa is issued for a period not longer than 3 months; the long-term visa is issued for a period not longer than 6 months.

There is no possibility to obtain a long-term residence permit for the purpose of seasonal work. A third-country national can obtain the Employee Card instead of this.

Where and how to apply


Applying for the short-term visa for the purpose of seasonal work

The application for a short-term visa for the purpose of seasonal work has to be lodged at the Embassy of the Czech Republic abroad. The issuing of short-term visas falls fully under the authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. Therefore, all the information about the filing of the application and the process of issuing the short-term visa can be found on the websites of this Ministry.

Detailed information about the short-term visa

Applying for the long-term visa for the purpose of seasonal work

The application for a long-term visa for the purpose of seasonal work has to be lodged in person at the Embassy of the Czech Republic abroad. A third-country national is entitled to lodge the application at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in the state of which he/she is a citizen, or that issued his/her travel document or in the state where a third-country national has a long-term or permanent residence permit. Compliance with this condition is waived for a third-country national who is a citizen of a state that belongs to the list of countries whose citizens are entitled to file the application at any Embassy of the Czech Republic abroad.

The application has to be filed in an appropriate form. Submission of the application is charged with the administrative fee. This administrative fee is equal to 1 000 CZK and it has to be paid in the foreign currency in general. It is not possible to lodge the application in the territory of the Czech Republic.

Documents required

To obtain the long-term visa for the purpose of seasonal work, a third-country citizen must submit:

  • a valid travel document;
  • a photograph showing the current appearance of the applicant;
  • if required, an extract from the Penal Registry record and
    a document proving that he/she fulfilled the conditions set out by the interim measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic on the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases;
  • an employment permit pursuant to Section 96(1) of the Employment Act; or the third-country national must provide
    a reference number of the application for this permit and at which regional branch of the Labour Office of the Czech Republic the application for this permit has been filed;
  • a document confirming availability of accommodation;
  • the employer’s certificate regarding the agreed amount of wage, pay or remuneration, if the accommodation of the third-country national is ensured or arranged by the employer.

Moreover, before the long-term visa for the purpose of seasonal work is affixed, the third-country national is required to present a medical travel insurance document and, upon request, a proof of payment of the insurance premium. Medical travel insurance must only be valid for the period from the date of entry into the territory of the Czech Republic until the time when public health insurance coverage will apply to him or her, pursuant to the Act on Public Health Insurance Act – i.e. basically from the date on which the visa is affixed until the date of commencement of employment (which is specified in the submitted documents).

Further requirements

Originals or other officially authenticated copies of all of the attached documents must be submitted. Travel documents must be submitted in original. All submitted documents in foreign languages must be submitted in their original version and with an officially certified translation into the Czech language. The required attachments to the applications must not be older than 180 days, except for travel documents and the photograph of the third-country national, provided that corresponds to his/her current appearance.

Duration of validity of permits

The long-term visa for the purpose of seasonal work is usually issued with the duration of employment, for a period not longer than 6 months.

Conditions for renewal

The period of validity of a long-term visa for the purpose of seasonal work that does not exceed 6 months may be repeatedly extended on condition that the same purpose of stay remain in place, but for a maximum period of 6 months (i.e. a period of current validity and a period of extended validity could not be longer than 6 months together).

The application for an extension of validity of this visa has to be lodged in the territory of the Czech Republic at the office of the Ministry of the Interior. The application must be submitted before the expiry of the period of validity of a long-stay visa at the latest, but not earlier than 90 days before the expiry of this period.

Detailed information about a long-term visa for the purpose of seasonal work


In the event that the long-term visa is refused, you may ask the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic for a new examination of the reasons for the visa refusal within 15 days from the date on which you received the notice that your visa has been refused. The application for the new examination of the reasons must contain the information on the person submitting the application and why this person considers the decision to be at variance with laws and regulations or why the decision or the procedure preceding the issuance of the decision is regarded as incorrect. This application cannot be submitted due to facts that have not been evidenced or stated in the visa application.

Further information

Detailed information about seasonal work in the Czech Republic

Detailed information about the Employee Card

Ministry of the Interior (residence permits of foreign nationals)

Foreign Police of the Czech Republic

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic

Change of employment


Work permits issued by the Labor Office of the Czech Republic to the applicants for a residence permit issuing are tied to concrete position and a specific employer. Therefore, if a holder of a long-term visa is going to change the employer or a work position, he/she will be obliged to apply to the appropriate Labor Office for issuing a new work permit.

Change of status

A third-country national who resides in the territory of the Czech Republic based on the long-term visa for the purpose of seasonal work is not entitled to change the purpose of his/her visa (and of his/her stay in the territory of the Czech Republic). In general, if a holder of a long-term visa wants to change the purpose of his/her residence, he/she must lodge an application for issuing a new long-term visa. This application has to be lodged at the Embassy of the Czech Republic abroad.

Family members

Family members of a third-country national who is a holder of a long-term visa are entitled to apply for a visa for a stay of over 90 days (a long-term visa) for family purposes as well. This application has to be lodged at the Embassy of the Czech Republic abroad.

Detailed information about a long-term visa for the purpose of family