Slovenia – Intra-corporate transferee (ICT)

You work for a company established outside the European Union (EU) and you are going to be transferred to a branch in Slovenia? You can find information below on the conditions, procedures, rights and mobility you can enjoy during your stay.

You can enter, reside and work in the Republic of Slovenia as an intra-corporate transferee if you are a manager, specialist or trainee employee. The definitions and conditions of admission are governed by the EU Directive on intra-corporate transfer (Articles 3 and 5 of Directive 2014/66/EUSearch for available translations of the preceding link). If you fulfil the conditions, you will be issued an Intra-Corporate Transferee permit.

Please note that before being transferred from a company branch located outside of the EU to a branch in the Republic of Slovenia, you must have been employed by that company for a certain time period: if you are a manager at least 9 months; a specialist at least 9 months; a trainee at least 6 months.

Where and how to apply

You must apply for an ICT permit at a diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Slovenia abroadSearch for available translations of the preceding link.

Alternatively, your employer may also apply for an ICT permit at a diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Slovenia abroadSearch for available translations of the preceding link or at the administrative unitSearch for available translations of the preceding link in the area where the employer is established or where the activity is performed in the Republic of Slovenia.

Application form

An application for the issue or renewal of an ICT permit shall be made using form no. 11/1 set out in Annex 1 of the Rules on issuing residence permits, the method of capturing fingerprints and the modalities of the termination of the residence permit.

The application form is also available at the administrative unitsSearch for available translations of the preceding link in Slovenia.


The administrative fee for issuing a first single residence and work permit is 102 EUR, if the application is lodged at a diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Slovenia abroadSearch for available translations of the preceding link.

The administrative fee for issuing a single residence and work permit is 70 EUR, if the application is lodged at the administrative unitSearch for available translations of the preceding link in the Republic of Slovenia. 

The price of the residence permit card is 12 EUR.

Documents required

When applying for an ICT permit, you must submit:

  • a personal photography;
  • a valid travel document or a certified photocopy of the travel document that is valid for at least three months beyond the intended residence in the Republic of Slovenia;
  • proof of adequate health insurance covering at least emergency medical services in the Republic of Slovenia, when you state that you are not compulsorily insured in the Republic of Slovenia;
  • proof of sufficient means of subsistence during residence in the country, or other guarantees that means of subsistence will be provided, every month, in an amount corresponding to at least the basic minimum income in the Republic of Slovenia (more information about sufficient means of subsistenceSearch for available translations of the preceding link);
  • a certificate from the criminal record of your home country.

When applying for an ICT permit as a manager, you must also submit:

  • proof that the host entity belongs to a related company;
  • the employment contract and an act of transfer;
  • proof that you have been employed in the related company for at least 9 months in the case of first transfer from a non-EU country;
  • evidence that you will perform the work and tasks associated with managing, organising or supervising the host entity.

When applying for an ICT permit as a specialist, you must also submit:

  • proof that the host entity belongs to a related company;
  • the employment contract and an act of transfer;
  • proof that you have been employed in the related company for at least 9 months in the case of first transfer from a non-EU country;
  • evidence of at least vocational training and evidence of specific knowledge and professional experience in the field of performing the registered activities of the company to which the you are transferred.

When applying for an ICT permit as a trainee employee, you must also submit:

  • proof that the host entity belongs to a related company;
  • the employment contract and an act of transfer;
  • proof that you have been employed in the related company for at least 6 months in the case of first transfer from a non-EU country;
  • proof of higher education;
  • the training program when required by the competent authority.
Further requirements

A third-country national with a valid temporary residence permit or long-stay visa who does not reside with an accommodation provider or host shall register temporary residence at the address where he or she temporarily resides with the administrative unitSearch for available translations of the preceding link within eight days of the day of taking up temporary accommodation, while a third-country national who already resides at the address and obtains a temporary residence permit or long-stay visa after taking accommodation at this address shall register within eight days of his/her service.

Duration of validity of permits

An ICT permit is issued for the period of the transfer specified in the employment contract and act on transfer, but for not more than one year.


Decisions of the administrative unit may be challenged before the Administrative Court.

Extension or renewal

An ICT permit, issued to managers and specialists, can be extended for the period of the transfer as specified in the employment contract and the act on transfer; the total length of the third-country national’s residence in the Republic of Slovenia or in the territory of EU Member States for the purpose of short-term or long-term transfer (on the basis of an ICT permit issued) must not exceed three years.

An ICT permit, issued to trainee employees, can be extended for the period of the transfer as specified in the employment contract and the act on transfer; the total length of the third-country national’s residence in the Republic of Slovenia or in the territory of EU Member States for the purpose of short-term or long-term transfer (on the basis of an ICT permit issued) must not exceed one year.

Change of status

If you wish to change status and reside in Slovenia for a reason other than intra-corporate transferee, you may apply for a further temporary residence permit. This must be done before the expiry of the original temporary residence permit.

In-country applications are possible.

Family members

As a holder of an intra-corporate transferee permit (Article 45.b of the Foreigners Act) and intra-corporate transferee permit – long term transfer (Article 45.d of the Foreigners Act), you may reunite your family without a prior residence time limit in Slovenia. You may submit an application for family members at the same time as your application for a first ICT permit.

Other rights

Freedom of associationSearch for available translations of the preceding link;

Recognition of diplomas and professional qualificationsSearch for available translations of the preceding link;

Social securitySearch for available translations of the preceding link;

Access to goods and services

Upon the fulfilment of certain conditions, you can, on the basis of an ICT permit issued in one EU country, work in other EU countries if the entity where you will work belongs to the same company. If the duration of your mobility is shorter than 90 days during a 180-day period, you are subject to short-term mobility rules. If the duration of the mobility is longer than 90 days, you are instead subject to long-term mobility rules.

The following procedures apply if you have an ICT permit in an EU Member State and intend to move and work in the Republic of Slovenia:

Short-term mobility

A third-country national with a valid single intra-corporate transferee permit that was first issued by another EU Member State may reside and work for the host entity in the Republic of Slovenia for a period of up to 90 days in any 180-day period, which includes each day of residence in the last 180-day period.

Long-term mobility

A third-country national with a valid single intra-corporate transferee permit that was first issued by another EU Member State may enter the Republic of Slovenia with a valid travel document and within 30 days of entering the country may apply at the competent authority in the Republic of Slovenia where he or she resides for a single intra-corporate transferee permit for a period of more than 90 days.